Peach Living held a question-and-answer session with Macee Thomas, the Chilton County High School graduate who is one of the University of Alabama students who dons the recognizable suit of the school...Read More
By Christiana Mendoza, director of Chilton Food Innovation Center Are you a locavore? No, it doesn’t mean you’re crazy. It means you eat local foods! I have gotten several calls from people and bu...Read More
By Emily Beckett Chilton County Probate Judge Bobby Martin and his wife Judy enjoy their home in Clanton every day, but they are by far not the only ones. The Martins frequently open their doors to fa...Read More
By Emily Etheredge Love can often be portrayed in many different ways, such as a listening ear, a kind gesture, or an affectionate hug. As Valentine’s Day approaches, two couples living in Chilton C...Read More
By Emily Beckett Tommy and Rita Little’s son Chris barely made it up the front steps of their house in Maplesville before a tornado hit the area in the predawn hours of Jan. 23, 2012. The Littles op...Read More
By Scott Mims Remember when an RC Cola cost 15 cents? How about a bag of popcorn for a dime? Or, perhaps a movie ticket for the same price? Janie Wade Bates, 79, of Clanton remembers — her family li...Read More
Adding warmth to a dish typically served cold is the key to Dawn Waters’ hot chicken salad. Waters has been making the dish since the 1970s when friend and fellow Clanton First Baptist Church member...Read More
Peach Living held a question-and-answer session with Jimmy Parnell, the newly-elected president of the Alabama Farmers Federation. Parnell works at Parnell Inc., his family’s timber and cattle busin...Read More
By Emily Etheredge The opportunity to get healthy, lose weight and establish goals for a better lifestyle is often a popular resolution in the new year. Although many times sticking with the goals is ...Read More
By Stephen Dawkins Another year has come and gone. As a new year begins, it can be a time to think about what we would like to be different about our lives. For some people a change that needs to be m...Read More